Team Development
Inspire greater personal ownership and accelerate results.

Develop With Process
Any advantage the best companies today have comes from strong cultures and accountable workforces—all doable by you. Achieve greater alignment, agility, and innovation by focusing on getting your people to think and act in new ways. This is the heart of our team development process. Once you commit to this level of talent and leadership development, watch your game change and find yourself among the best.
“This model of vision, focus, and accountability will propel your team and organization to the highest levels of performance.”
– Bob Ritz, CEO, Mercy Health Network
How We Help Clients
Inspire Your Workforce
Greater alignment around purpose pays off in the form of innovation, better solutions, and accelerated delivery around your team’s most important priorities.

Align and Focus
Clarify expectations and results so people understand where to focus their ideas, energy, and time. Help your team see the connection between individual daily contributions and longer-term business outcomes—to increase buy-in and accountability.
Speak a Common Language
Deliver and then leverage a common language that helps everyone recognize desired behaviors, improves the frequency of feedback, enhances problem-solving, and creates ownership. With this, you’re already leaning into the culture you’re trying to create.
Elevate AccountabilIty
Clarifying purpose focuses everyone on accountability—which in turn inspires individuals and teams to come together to deliver your key results. This begins an upward cycle of greater motivation, ownership, innovation, and growth.

Build Accountability
Try disproving this: If you get accountability right, you get everything right. Once you’ve identified the cultural shifts you need to propel your team or organization, use our Accountability Builder® program to align teams and create accountability for those shifts. Supported by elegant models and tools (including an expanding digital tool suite), our workshop-based approach engages everyone in the organization in thinking and acting in new ways to achieve your key results.

Base Decisions on Data
Measure and then move your culture to higher ground. Our tools benchmark, measure, and track cultures in motion. When you take the guesswork out of culture management, you can begin to pinpoint exact areas of strength and areas that need improvement.

Propel Your Team
Sustain the culture momentum and focus your team on what matters most to the organization. Propeller™ is a digital culture management tool that simplifies and accelerates progress toward achieving results by helping leaders reinforce positive behaviors, create a positive space for in-the-moment feedback and coaching, crowdsource company intelligence, and communicate progress on key results.

Build a Legacy
Chad Magleby envisioned his construction company filled with team members who were even more passionate about their work, more comfortable collaborating in a positive manner, and more empowered to make a difference. Then he went to work to build the culture of his dreams.

Cutting Sarcasm
Bristol Farms shifted from a culture of sarcasm to one anchored in accountability—all with the help of a common language. Employees ditched the blame game and learned to communicate in ways that were more positive and focused on the business.

Power of Storytelling
Susan Carroll used storytelling to eliminate nameless and faceless errors in her hospital. “We made a story out of every patient harm, which helped employees connect back to the purpose we set out to achieve the result of Zero Harm.”