
Upskill your culture management expertise and create positive change in your organization.

Why get certified?

Our award-winning workshops are powerful, relevant, and engaging–designed to inspire new ways of thinking. Now, through our certification process, build your expertise in our culture management process and tailor workshop content to your audience. During the process, you’ll learn to

  • Prepare appropriate personal examples and exercises
  • Listen and respond to your audience in a way that encourages maximum impact and class engagement
  • Practice skills to master tone, field questions, facilitate exercises, hone speaking skills, and establish a safe environment for participants
  • Develop a personal action plan with your Master Certified Facilitator

Upon completion, you’ll experience the benefits of the workshop you’ve chosen with a clear plan to promote and roll out the workshop in your organization.

> Get certified

The Certification Process

We offer a Train-The-Facilitator (TTF) Certification process for you to deliver our world class curriculum in your organization. The certification is a flexible and cost-effective way to boost your culture transformation and integrate our proven methodologies into your organization. Equipping you to facilitate our workshops ensures more hands on follow through.

Facilitator Benefits

Master the models and tools from our curriculum to enhance individual, team, and organizational performance. Each Facilitator Certification program provides you with the tools and training to facilitate within your group, division, or company.

“Others look to you to inspire and encourage change. If you can create champions within your own organization, your culture will change rapidly.”

Let’s Talk Culture Management

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