Three Ways to Get Out of a Rut

Article | Accountability Insights

by | May 30, 2012

Everyone gets stuck in mental, emotional, or practical ruts from time to time. Admit it, but don’t let such admissions become excuses for diminished performance. Taking accountability for overcoming your ruts is a learned behavior that can only be improved through practice. Here are three suggestions for getting out of a rut:

1. Start discussing ruts and mistakes among your co-workers more openly and honestly, without criticism and reprimand. Every organization wants to eliminate or reduce mistakes and ruts. Too many can sink the ship. But, it is in the organization’s best interest to establish an environment where mistakes and ruts can be openly discussed, acknowledged, and used as learning tools for developing better solutions. Being an “expert” has been described as someone who has made the most mistakes within a field of practice and therefore has acquired superior knowledge on what mistakes to avoid. Accelerate the “expert” training.
2. Begin taking responsibility for something that you have been ignoring or neglecting—a problem, a goal, a process, a relationship, a result—because it has most likely become a rut. Make the appropriate apologies for not acknowledging the rut sooner and then develop a solution-oriented, results-driven plan of action. Make a commitment to yourself that you won’t criticize others for not taking responsibility for their actions before first examining your own responsibility avoidance behavior. Personal accountability comes first.
3. Pioneer a “praising practice” that recognizes the people around you whenever they take steps to get out of their ruts. Help your direct reports to avoid defensiveness, excuse-making, victim-thinking, or other Below The Line attitudes when it comes to their ruts. The increased focus and attention will build awareness and sensitivity to the detrimental and damaging effects of ruts individuals and organizations. Always praise the rut busters!

To learn more about how to overcome mental, emotional, and practical ruts for yourself and your organization, join our Accountability Community at, where you can review the accounts of actual leaders and organizations.

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