Setting and Meeting Realistic Goals
Article | Accountability Insights
Your Question:
“How do you create a culture where realistic goals are set and met?”
We hear this question a lot. In fact, it’s an issue that affects most people and organizations.
Our Answer:
There is a sequence to creating accountability. Step one always involves clearly defining desired results. Whether you refer to these desired results as must deliverables, key expectations, or realistic goals, we’re talking about what has to happen for the organization to be successful. This vitally important step of setting and meeting realistic goals that define what has to happen for the organization to be successful is best approached through robust conversation. How are people in your organization really feeling about what’s on their plates and what’s possible in terms of results? To find out, you must have a healthy two-way dialogue about what your people are really facing and what really has to happen in the organization to achieve the desired results. Real goals are best formed through real dialogue.
Examples, Illustrations, Facts, and Figures:
In our last webinar we asked over 1500 registrants to respond to a few probing questions about their work. Here’s how they responded.
Do I find myself feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work that I have to do?
83% responded Often or All the time
Do I feel I am in a no-win situation?
55% responded Maybe or Yes
Do I think I will miss some deadlines?
82% responded Maybe or Yes
Do I believe things will stay pretty stressed in the future with no “relief” in sight?
75% responded Yes or Not sure
Do I feel stressed about the mounting priorities and my ability to complete them?
79% responded Somewhat or Totally
Do I feel that I am unable to succeed because of my workload?
62% responded Sometimes or All the time
What’s the key take-away here? If you want your people to consistently set and meet realistic goals, make sure you know what issues and concerns they’re facing, how they’re really feeling about their workload and priorities, why they’re getting bogged down or breaking through, and when they’re expecting to deliver on your key expectations. Ongoing robust conversations about accountability and results are essential to creating and maintaining organizational cultures where realistic goals are consistently set and met.
Talk to Us:
Keep sending in your questions. We want to know what you’re thinking and feeling and doing when it comes to issues, challenges, difficulties, concerns, problems, uncertainties, dilemmas, and questions that relate to accountability. To submit your accountability question or issue, go to, then click on “Leave a comment,” at the end of the blog. If your submission turns into an Oz Principle blog, we will send you an autographed book of your choice—The Oz Principle, Journey to the Emerald City, or How Did That Happen?