Model The Change

Article | Accountability Insights

by | Aug 7, 2013

Whenever organizational leaders fail to model the change they want to see in others, trouble and disappointment await them. Example, example, example will always be the hallmark of change management. Ignoring or neglecting that reality always sets you up for failure.

Recently we worked with the CEO of a professional and business services company who ignored the principle of “modeling the change” in the middle of a major Culture Change effort. At the very time he was asking his direct reports and everyone else in the company to take greater ownership along with the necessary risks for developing innovative customer solutions and achieving new levels of business results, he was amplifying his highly directive, often dictatorial, management style. The obvious contradiction seemed apparent to everyone but him, despite frequent feedback and repeated attempts at coaching. Not surprisingly, the Culture Change effort languished until the CEO finally recognized and corrected his failure to model the change. Even then, it took months before the CEO’s direct reports began to cautiously emerge from their “command and control” response stations to embrace the sort of candid communication, risk-taking, critical thinking, and creative problem solving that would be required to change the company’s culture and future. Today the company is making slow, but steady progress.

If you are the leader of a team or organization and want to “Change the Culture, Change the Game” in your business, make sure you’re ready and prepared to vigorously and diligently model the change you want to see in your direct reports and in others throughout the organization. Culture changes one person at a time, but a leader brings to bear leveraged impact on his or her team and organization. Use that leverage to accelerate and facilitate the change you desire.

To learn more about how to “model the change” and thereby foster a Culture Of Accountability, we invite you to join the Accountability Community at, where you can review actual client case studies.

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