Hearing The Hard Things
Article | Accountability Insights
We talked to the executives of a healthcare solutions client today who asked the question: “When it comes to See It (the first step Above The Line), how do we help our people to better understand what it means to hear the hard things to see reality?”
Most of us have had the experience of working with someone who simply refuses to See It. Such refusals usually reflect a person’s unwillingness to hear the hard things—the tough messages, the difficult feedback, or the reality of someone else’s perception. Of course, without a strong commitment to hear a message as it is (not what you may want it to be), you risk missing information that could make the difference in your achieving desired results. Organizationally, the price we pay for not hearing the hard things can be exorbitantly high.
Here are a few guidelines for hearing the hard things, so you can see reality more fully and clearly:
• | Realize that all perspectives, points of view, and perceptions have value when it comes to seeing more of reality. | |
• | Tough to take messages, difficult to accept feedback, and hard to understand perspectives make us defensive—so fight the natural urge to close your mind and shut your heart. | |
• | Most organizations have taboo topics, sacred cows, blind spots, and/or elephants in the room (otherwise known as obvious truths that are being ignored) that must be openly discussed and addressed to make greater progress. | |
• | When you hear an opinion, interpretation, or belief that you don’t like, explore it rather than ignore it. Remember, other peoples’ beliefs are based on their experiences, which make them part of your and their reality. | |
• | The more you know, the less you see; the more you see, the less you know. |
You can become more accountable to See It by (1) obtaining the perspectives of others; (2) being open and candid in your communications; (3) asking for and offering feedback; and (4) hearing the hard things. The clearer the picture of how things really are, the better you can move forward.
For more information on hearing the hard things to see reality and its role in Creating Greater Accountability, please join the Accountability Community by visiting www.partnersinleadership.com
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