Cracking the Employee Engagement Code

External Article | Accountability Insights

by | Feb 27, 2015

Rather than trying to engage employees with workplace perks, give them something even more rewarding—the ability to tie their work to the clearly defined aims of the organization.

This article was originally published by Training Magazine. See link below for full article. 

Who isn’t rushing to the idea that just one more perk or break-room game table would boost employee engagement these days?

The latest Gallup data suggest we have an emergency on our hands with just under 32 percent of U.S. employees feeling engaged. Worse still, nearly 1 in 5 state they are “actively disengaged”—pointing to the fact that something must be done.

The solution across nearly every industry? Employers are rushing to entertain their employees in an effort toengage them. Of course, none are abandoning the time-tested traditional means of pay, time off, and annual bonuses, but somehow these just don’t seem “perky” enough for today’s business climate.

Instead, they introduce often-astonishing non-traditional “incentives” (can we just call them “bribes”?) in an effort to interest, engage, and retain employees. But once started, where do you stop? Perhaps more importantly, are you seeing a return on this investment?

Read full article at Training Magazine  – “Cracking the Employee Engagement Code”