How Clear (And Real) Are Your Expectations?

[uberMenu_direct theme_location="primary-menu"] How Clear (And Real) Are Your Expectations? Article | Accountability Insights Many organizations have difficulty stating exactly what they want to have happen. In one case, a large retailer wanted to achieve a $50...

Complyment vs. Complete Alignment

[uberMenu_direct theme_location="primary-menu"] Complyment vs. Complete Alignment Article | Accountability Insights Everyone has probably heard of the Pygmalion Effect from Greek Mythology, named after the gifted sculptor from Cyprus who was in search of happiness and...

How Did I Let That Happen?

[uberMenu_direct theme_location="primary-menu"] How Did I Let That Happen? Article | Accountability Insights Did someone, somewhere in your organization, acting alone or in collaboration with others, let you down today—by failing to deliver on your expectations?  Was...

7 Clues Of A Negative Accountability Connection

[uberMenu_direct theme_location="primary-menu"] 7 Clues Of A Negative Accountability Connection Article | Accountability Insights How do you keep morale positive and everyone productive, even in these tumultuous times? Recent Zogby polls show that a quarter of the...

The Three Values of Organizational Integrity

The Three Values of Organizational Integrity Article | Accountability Insights It’s been a challenging year for most companies, even Apple Computer—the company that has topped Fortune magazine’s list of most admired companies for two years in a row. Not...