Accelerate Learning & Development
Article | Accountability Insights
Clients often ask us how they can accelerate the training and learning of their people in order to close knowing-doing gaps better, faster, and cheaper. Clients that apply The 5 D’s Fast Training Model often discover a new source of competitive advantage; for example, one client in the software development business now claims accelerated training and learning as a core competence. So how do you do it? Start by demonstrating exactly what you want your people to do. People learn best when someone shows them, rather than just tells them, how to do something. Here are the “show, don’t tell” steps of The 5 D’s Fast Training Model that accelerate training, learning, and the closing of knowing-doing gaps:
1. | Describe It. | |
2. | Demonstrate It. | |
3. | Do It. | |
4. | Debrief It. | |
5. | Do It Again, but better! |
For example, let’s say you want to accelerate the training of one of your team leaders on how to better coach others when they’re not delivering the needed results. First, you describe how to do it by using an actual situation from the team leader’s work. Then you demonstrate how YOU do it by role-playing a conversation you’ve had with someone you’ve had to coach who wasn’t delivering the needed results. Next, you encourage the team leader to actually engage in a conversation similar to the one you suggested as soon as possible. Make sure to have the team leader report back on how it went so that you can provide appreciative and constructive feedback to help this person do it even better next time. Finally, ask the team leader to continue applying what he or she’s learned, while you continue to monitor the team leader’s progress in coaching others. Repeat the cycle until the learning has turned into real competence.
This sort of modeling provides effective and accelerated on-the-job training that often cannot be delivered any other way. Model the behavior and skills you want the people in your Expectations Chain to learn and master. It works in even the most complex and technical work environments. To learn more about accelerating learning and development in your organization, we invite you to join the Accountability Community by visiting, where you can review actual client case studies.
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