Culture Advantage Index®
Measure your organization’s ability to handle change, solve problems, respond quickly, and produce results.

Develop a Winning Mindset
Why do some companies sprint to the head of their industries while others become stagnant? The answer often comes down to organizational culture, meaning the way people think and act to execute on a company’s strategic vision.
The key to creating a strong workplace culture is taking a deep dive into the employee mindset. What are your employees thinking? Are beliefs getting in the way of results? To understand this, you need a more precise and actionable culture assessment framework, and that’s where the Culture Advantage Index comes in.
“A powerful tool that supports the growth of our organization and
the people within it. The Index allows you to check in on your culture and
ensure the team is aligned and harmonized.”
– Mark Neave, CEO, NSM Construction
The Process
Companies that create cultural alignment innovate quicker, have more successful product launches, and increase the ability to deliver results. The process includes the following steps:
Baseline and benchmark your culture
Establishing a baseline is essential for meaningfully improving organizational culture. It provides a map and determines where your organization’s strengths and areas of opportunity are. Benchmarking externally allows you to compare your progress to that of other organizations, ensuring your organizational culture is giving you a competitive advantage.
Gain access to data-supported solutions
The processes you use to close cultural gaps and create greater alignment, clarity, and accountability should be supported by data and created with expert input. Leveraging index insights, we work with you to design and deploy a culture management process that moves your culture from where it is today to where you need it to be.
Track progress and keep improving
How have your ongoing efforts served to improve culture and achieve business results? By tracking both factors over time, you can keep your progress on target and get the results you need.
Benefits of Creating a Strong Culture
How does the Culture Advantage Index work?
The Culture Advantage Index is not your average assessment of organizational engagement. It is a valid and reliable scientific instrument for measuring organizational culture. It measures feedback in five major areas that have high scale-reliability, offering robust insights to help leaders identify strengths and opportunities for culture and performance improvement. The Index also provides predictive analytics that give organizations line of sight on where to focus in order to close gaps quicker.
How Do We Measure Culture?
What does the Culture Advantage Index measure?
The Culture Advantage Index measures an organization’s ability to handle change, solve problems, respond quickly, and produce results by evaluating five core categories of employee mindset:
- Culture Strength: Level of alignment around needed results, level of trust throughout the organization, and involvement and effectiveness of culture management practices across the organization.
- Feedback Seeking: An individual’s conscious commitment to seeking out the perspectives held by others. Seeking feedback allows individuals to identify and correct behaviors that may have a negative impact on the achievement of organizational results.
- Psychological Ownership: The capability for employees to connect their daily tasks to the organization’s results and display ownership of the decisions that affect them. Individuals who are invested in achieving organizational results exhibit a personal stake in the overall performance of the organization.
- Creative Problem Solving: Tenacity and diversity of thinking, along with the ability to connect ideas across functional groups and ask “What else can I do?” to address any gaps in achieving needed results.
- Taking Effective Action: The ability to take action, communicate, and work well cross-functionally; and the ability to continue moving forward even when unexpected events arise hindering progress towards achieving results.
Impact Stories
Ambitious transformation leads to unprecedented growth
Getting intentional about culture management leads to 55% growth in annual non-interest income and 1,600% increase in monetary donations to local communities.
‘Culture of sarcasm’ now exceeds sales numbers
Culture-shaping process aligns employees around a common vision for the future, leading to the single best year the company has had and performing substantially better than everyone else in the industry.
Building a legacy by aligning two cultures
Achieving nearly 100% revenue growth required aligning two cultures: one that was built in the past with a new one focused on the future.
What’s your culture score?
Let us show you how to measure culture — schedule a demo of the Culture Advantage Index today.